Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Who looks like who in the Zoo?

Lucy - Now, we know I have been mistaken from behind as a man... Yes this did actually happen. It was a long time ago when I worked at Ocean Blue Resort (which does not even exist anymore) I was delivering to a room when a porter was Yelling out "Jason, Jason" I was thinking to myself seriously; is he talking to me...I turned around & sure enough, he was! I think we can all guess how that turned out… a little red faced (& that was me).

But as time went on I think the likeness's are getting worse..... I have also been told I looked like Liza Minnelli (we all know how her relationships with Gay men turn out!!!)

So who else do I know that gets look alike comments!

I am apparently random men…or Liza Minnelli
Andrew is Orlando Bloom

Henry has been known to look like the Grinch

Sawusband has a few. There's Matty Johns, Wayne Carey & George W. Bush 
(when he's older)

My mum always says Gusband looks like Luke Mangan

I think that is all, apart from the Divine Miss F who as we know is Cyndi Lauper. 

Who do you look like, Campers?

Andrew – Forget the dog looking like the Grinch, if one more person asks if Gusband and I related I shall scream.

Last Friday night while we were having a drink with AO, we forced ourselves upon the table of an unsuspecting local. As soon as we sat down and the introductions were made, our delightful local asked if Gusband and I were brothers. Our usual shock response is to say, “No we’re lovers.” For some reason we took pity on our companion and rather than embarrass her we simply said no. She kept asking, we kept saying no. Finally Gusband had enough and when she said, “Oh c’mon you have to be twins,” he informed her we were partners. There’s really nothing more uncomfortable than watching a middle aged woman become so embarrassed she becomes speechless.

Gusband and I often get asked, by people who don’t know us, if we are related. Scary really. Gross and a little bit scary. Maybe we have become like those people who start to look like their pets.

Not to mention the lady at the bank who still asks about, “that girl that must be your sister because you look so alike.” It’s because we have the same hair.

I also remember a time at university when a guy in my dorm saw a photo of my beautiful sister and asked me why I was wearing a dress. Not to mention my Godmother who thinks Sawusband looks like Wayne Carey.

Perhaps I am the person who looks like everyone and noone. Perhaps I’m like that lizard who can look like his surroundings.

You think I look like Orlando don't you campers? xx


  1. you're sooo much better looking than Orlando.....

  2. My husband gets Ricky Ponting, and since my weightloss I get Toni Collett, I personally don't see it but i have been told a few times now.
