Lucy - Get Rid Of Shit Day, also known as Council Pick up Day.
Every so often our council organises a Council Pick Up Day, where all the crap you don't want hanging around the house can be placed near the gutter & they will take it away. Fantastic I hear you say, no trips to the tip.
All you hoarders on the GC, get ready !!!!
This is not my living room
That is going take some extra trips to the tip.
I have a few things that were too good to put on the side of the road so I called the Salvos to collect them. This ended up in me having some items that even the Salvos did not want.
I had a cat scratching post which Ishka (the cat) turned her nose up at, she prefers to sharpen her claws on the rug. The Salvos also turned their noses up at the $80 scratching post, obviously following Ishkas lead.
Ok this is a bit more elaborate than the one snubbed by Ishka & the Salvos.
The alternative was to place it on the side of the road, so I did.
The next day Mummy Penny rang & asked, "Is that cat post still outside your house? I think I just saw being carried up the street". I popped my head over the fence and sure enough It was gone.
People never cease to amaze me. We are still a few days away until pick up starts, it will be this weekend when we see cars with trailers strapped to the back pulling up outside homes taking what they want off the piles of crap. They are indeed scavengers who I am sure will be putting all the crap they collect on the net!
Look out Ebay you're about to be inundated with more shit for sale....
I wonder if Ishka's scratching post will show up.
Andrew - Oh, I do love myself a "Get Rid of Shit Day."
I remember the day not long ago when Gusband and I had a garage sale. It was also the day C-Bear was hired to work it and then sacked when someone tried to haggle with her over prices, "I'll give you $5," said the punter "No $2," responded our master of finances. Ummm C-Bear, you're now on the coffee run.
At the end of the day Gusband & I decided that we would just put all of our leftover crap on the footpath as council cleanup was due any day. Well it turns out one man's trash really is another man's treasure. Or at least that's what it looked like as we skulked around peering out the windows as car after car pulled up and rifled through our leftover junk. How old can you be to still mutter, "scab" under your breath.
Now I know that last comment may have sounded judgemental but I'm not (well I am) the real reason I have a problem with other peoples stuff is germs. Yes I am a germaphobe of sorts. I touch a bin and wash my hands, I am a little bit obsessed with Glen 20 and I have antibacterial in the car, yet I live with inside dogs.... go figure.
Also, Gusband and I recycle like mofos, so we appreciate the idea of taking someones stuff off the footpath instead of it ending up as landfill. It's just germs, that and the fact that I like new stuff. In saying that, Sawusband has been known to give me clothes that he's either decided he didn't like but bought anyway or doesn't fit into anymore (because obviously Lucy shrunk them.) I'm ok with that because I know I can wash them and the age old joke where I send Lucy a text saying, "I just got into your husband's pants," never gets old.
So people on the GC, I say go forth and scavange, you never know what you might find. Espescially at (
. .) - address removed by Lucy